Wednesday 30 November 2011

Oh Boys!

31st October 2011 - Hector James and Felix Jack my sons are born

Paradigm shift - I can only feel, I don't have words to describe it. I have relied on others to do so for me.

Thank you to Marisa for saying 'suddenly it seems that everything in the universe is suddenly exactly where it should be'
Thank you to Tim for saying that 'suddenly it seems that there is an extra dimension in the world'...I am reminded of the experience of seeing a magic eye picture for the first time, except that the picture is my life, it is the experience of seeing my life in an extra dimension, not just an external image.
Thank you to Kate Bush for Aerial. Hector and Felix are my sea and my sky. They are my suns. and Aerial has given me a frame to that moment so that I can revisit it.