Friday 5 August 2011

Baby steps

It's already the middle of the summer! So much has changed since March when I discovered I was pregnant and wouldn't be able to afford the time or expense of going to Falmouth. 

It was April when I discovered that I would be having twins. This was a big shock. I never had any idea that I could have twins...It wasn't in any life plan. They've rocked my world. Suddenly understanding that life is able to surprise you and will not turn out how you expect is one of the most wonderful things to discover. Everything is full of potential and hope.

Thinking about making art while looking after two new people who need lots of attention is like considering an impossibility. But when you are also filled with hope, maybe it's a bit easier.

I set myself a target. 

I would produce something during my pregnancy (as well as the babies). It didn't have to be big.  At first this was extra hard because of feeling ill and tired. Then it was easier, but had to fit in around preparing my home for their arrival.

I kept thinking - it should be about being pregnant - it should be about twins, but when it never really felt right starting something so new and different. I needed baby steps. I needed progression. So, I finally wrote some text for my Beastie and the Golden Cat illustrations. I've been trying to do this since November 2009....I don't know why it's been so hard!

It helped to
  • write when I was inspired and avoid distractions till I was finished
  • print it out
  • leave it for a few days writing the odd word on the print out
  • get someone else to read it and give feedback
  • explain what i was trying to say
  • be prepraed to change your mind - only keep what works
  • be positive
  • leave it a few days and then when inspired, write avoiding all distractions
Next challenge is to go for another round of editing and then, to check the layout and add all the admin stuff then to print off a colour proof....Am not sure what to do after that yet, but time's running out a bit!